Friday, February 15, 2008

Excitement In The Air


Before heading south, we drove into Hanalei, on Thursday there was something different going on. We saw alot more surfboards on the top of the cars. It wasn't until we drove out to the north shore beaches that we understood why. Surf was unusually high with 12-15 feet high waves. We saw wave riders pulling surfers out into the big waves and they would ride them in. The force and power of the waves was amazing. There are warnings too not get to close to shore or the rocks, because there have been tourists washed out to sea.

We were looking for the beach that South Pacific was filmed on. We think we found it, you will have to let us know if we are right.

On Tuesday, we printed a picture of a green church. After doing some reading in Kauai travel, we learned that it was the Waioli Mission church, established in 1834. The article also mentioned the Waioli Mission House, that had been restored. Fortunately it was open for tour on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Rick had to do some snooping to actually find it as it was tucked way behind the church behind a white picket fence.

After ringing the large bell on the porch, the caretaker took us through the house. It was very interesting. The missionaries had taken a short trip to the mainland in 1869. It was there they died, never returning to the island. The house fell into disrepair and was restored around 1920. It still contains their whole library of books, and some of the household belongings. In the attic, there were letters from family and friends. Because of my interest in family histories, it was all very interesting to me.

We then headed south, back to the Lihue area on the east side. We both need some time to just relax.


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